About us

We are in Poznań to build for you

At ROBYG, we have been changing Polish architecture for over 22 years, shaping trends in the housing industry. We build a modern living space that is friendly not only to residents but also to the environment. Our long experience allows our housing estates to be perfectly adapted to the needs of today’s customers. As the first developer in Poland, we offered our customers a system of intelligent home as a standard. During the period 2010-2018, we were listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

Since 2022, we have been operating together with Vantage Development as part of the TAG Immobilien Group.  The experience and competence of both companies create a completely new quality in the property development market.

Years of experience in designing and building residential investments
30 000
Apartments, equipped with modern technologies, sold
90 000
Satisfied customers who are happy with the purchased apartments

Our mission is to create spaces that are friendly to people and the environment.

We have been conducting sustainable operations with respect for the natural environment. We create spaces that respond to the needs of residents with commitment and full responsibility. Our investments deepen neighbourly ties, ensure active recreation and facilitate a healthy lifestyle. We take care of both the infrastructure and the shaping of greenery as well as space for recreation, integration and relaxation. We believe that thanks to such an approach, considering the needs of various social groups, we give rise not only to new housing estates but also to communities of people who are more than just neighbours to each other.

We are glad that we can also build in Poznań, just for you!

ROBYG investments represent high development standard, modern architecture, smart furnishings and functional interiors

We are comprehensively designing the spaces of our investments, ensuring that the estates are functional, complete and friendly for both future residents and the environment. On the facades we use such materials as clinker, steel or glass. We design the common parts of our buildings individually using high-quality materials.

The protection of natural resources is equally important to us, which is why we implement ecological solutions in our housing estates. Thanks to this, we protect the environment, while reducing the costs of operating apartments for our clients.

Experience and history

We have been present on the Polish housing market for over 22 years. Our experience in selling apartments and creating living space allows us to perfectly adapt the housing estates built to the needs of a modern resident. 

During the period 2010-2018, we were listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). We actively invest in four large agglomerations: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań. Over 90,000 people live in several dozen of estates we have built in Warsaw, Gdańsk and Wrocław.

Since 2022, ROBYG and Vantage Development have been building synergies within the TAG Immobilien Group and combining management competences. Each of the companies continues its current activities. ROBYG Group builds and sells flats but also carries out general contracting for ROBYG and Vantage. Vantage Development company operates under the Vantage Rent brand exclusively in the Private Rented Sector (PRS). In this way, both companies will build management synergies, expand the market and reach a larger group of customers.

We combine competences within the TAG Immobilien group

First project of the ROBYG Group in Poland.

Start of the first investment in Poznań

Początek Piątkowo - first investment in Poznań.
We have implemented innovative air disinfection technology (effectively fighting against COVID-19) in the ROBYG offices – Aura AIR by Keemple.

We acquired the Wrocławskie Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane (WPB) company.

We have implemented solutions increasing security in the pandemic era – remote forms of contact, electronic signatures, regular employee examinations, and, additionally, safety measures in the ROBYG offices according to the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

We launched operations in Poznań.

We received the BREEAM green certificate for the office building ROBYG Business Center in the Warsaw district of Wilanów.

We launched operations in Wrocław.

Start of new investments: Zielony Widok, Moment, Nadmotławie Apartments, City Sfera, Praga Arte, Modern City, Mój Ursus, oraz Na Jagodnie

New investments

Start of new investments: Ogrody Wilanów, Osiedle Życzliwa Praga, Nadmotławie Estate and Słoneczna Morena Elite.

New investments

Start of new investments: Morenova, Apartamenty Villa Nobile, Zajezdnia Wrzeszcz, Nowa Letnica, Young City 2, Green Mokotów Premium and Forum Wola.

ROBYG’s debut on the GPW

Rozpoczęcie gdańskiej inwestycji Słoneczna Morena powstałej w zgodzie z ideą 15-minutowych miast.

We launch the operations of ROBYG Group.

First project of the ROBYG Group in Poland.


Do you want to contact us?

Please contact our advisors. 

© 2023 ROBYG. All rights reserved. The offer above and the presented graphic materials are for information purposes only, they cannot be treated as final realisation projects, nor do they constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Art. 66 §1 of the Polish Civil Code and other relevant legal provisions. All investments are carried out by special purpose vehicles of the ROBYG Capital Group.
